Have a Quick Makeover

Let’s face it, sometimes our busy lives can leave us both feeling and looking a little flat! Here are some quick and easy makeover tips to get you in the summer mood:


Everyone wants model-perfect shiny locks but in reality, this is difficult to achieve. We are up against constant damage in the form of sun, cold weather, chlorine, chemicals and hair dryers. A quick spritz, blow dry and some added shine serum for extra protection will give you the lustrous look you’ve been craving.

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Changing your hair colour is another great way to breathe some new life into a tired look. You don’t even need to go crazy, subtle highlights can be just as effective to overhaul your appearance. If you’re not sure but know you want a change, speak to a stylist who can offer advice. When you want Hairdressers Gloucester, consider https://headkandyhairdressing.com


Want that fresh-faced look but experienced too many late nights and bad weather? Well, help is at hand in the form of facial peels. These are designed to exfoliate, brighten and even skin tone so you’ll have that radiant glow in no time.


It’s easy to be tempted by a little too much vino and coffee at the best of times. For a flash of your pearly whites, try using an instant whitening toothpaste that contains blue-tinted particles and a form of adhesive to temporarily brighten any yellowing.

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Most of us are inclined to become set in our ways a little so sometimes a new lip colour can be the jolt we need to liven up our look. Maybe try a hot pink or another warm, exciting summer shade.

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