Best selling fashion industry and what to do when you grow

Fashion is a huge industry with lots of growth potential as people will always need clothes. It is estimated worldwide to be worth £23 billion. With such stiff competition for customers out there how do you design clothes that you know will become best sellers? Here are some tips from those who have done just that.

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One thing many fashion designers have in common is that they have worked their way to the top through grit and determination. They believed in their brand and were passionate in their approach. Once you start building your way up you may need to move to a bigger premises in which case you might need a Slough Man and Van company to help you get your clothes out and in to the new promises.  Check out sites like to get more information on this.

Teach yourself

Dr Pam Hogg is famous for being hands-on and designed and made the majority of her clothes herself. As she emphasises quality over quantity she has a strategy that will give her kudos in the industry as well as ensuring that her work is original, unique and enduring. She believes in offering the customer something that they didn’t know that they wanted. She encourages them to be brave and exciting and this is what makes a brand successful; one that challenges the customer. Her belief is that as we are all individuals why would we want to look the same?

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If you are inspired by her story, purchase some fabric to work with like Cotton Poplin Fabric from retailers and hand make some beautiful original clothes and become your own fashion label.

An authentic approach

As well as challenging people, Henry Holland believes in authenticity and continuity in a brand. As both approaches have produced successful outcomes it’s hard to know what the way forward should be. He also advises against a scattergun approach, attempting to please all areas of the market. Know your customers and create a drama around your brand. Ignore what is going on elsewhere and stick to what you are good at.

These two designers have been hugely successful in their approaches. What everyone agrees on is that work ethic is important. A willingness to work extremely hard, being positive and inquisitive is important at all times. Observing the world around you is key to getting on in the fashion world.

The customer is the prize in this industry and as it’s a competitive industry, knowing your customer and having a unique selling point seem to be essential ingredients for success. A great idea will bring it all together.

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