how to recycle old clothes at home

How to Recycle Old Clothes at Home

Who hasn’t had one or more used clothes in the closet that are still there, even though we never use them? Do you know how to recycle old clothes at home? A little for being fond of it, a little for feeling guilty for having put it only once. It sure sounds like you! Getting rid of used clothing is not easy, especially if the only alternative is to throw it away.

In this post, we want to help you get those clothes you no longer use out of the closet and give them a second chance. If with that gesture you can make more than one person happy, what are we waiting for?

10 ideas on how to recycle old clothes at home

When you take something out of the closet because you no longer wear it, it does not fit as well as it used to or it has worn out, what do you usually do with it? Going straight to the garbage is clearly not the most sustainable or the most pleasant way, right?

how to recycle old clothes at home

That is why we propose some ideas to recycle your used clothing that generates the least environmental impact. Take aim!

  1. Reuse fabrics to create new garments or accessories. For example, did you know that you can get a very nice fabric bag from a T-shirt? In addition, it will allow you to reduce the consumption of plastic bags and add your bit to take care of the environment. In this video tutorial of What a DIY thing you will find all the details to create your recycled fabric bag in a few minutes. How about?
  2. Use clothes that you no longer use to give an original touch to your look. It must be confessed, sometimes we discard a garment more out of boredom than due to some defect or size problems. In these cases, a gesture as simple as changing the buttons to a jacket, modifying the cut of the neckline of a T-shirt or putting a colored belt over a dress can completely change the perception you have of them. Check it!
  3. Speaking of adjustments and changes, another way to recycle used clothing is to find another function for it. Thus, a sweater with slightly worn sleeves can be transformed into a perfect skirt for winter.
  4. If it is true that the protection of the environment passes, above all, by small gestures, why not reuse the clothes used for cleaning the home? An old shirt will be perfect for drying the crystals, without leaving marks. If, in addition, you use natural products such as vinegar or bicarbonate, your house will be clean and free of toxins.
  5. The clothes of the little ones usually stay almost impeccable, since sometimes they manage to use it only two or three times because they grow continuously. Donating to other children or exchanging clothes with your friends and family is a good option to give more life to used clothes.
  6. Trading second-hand clothes can be a good excuse to socialize and swap. Find second-hand markets in your city!
  7. Take advantage of technology to donate and sell used clothing. There are more and more apps, like Wallapop, to sell or exchange clothes.
  8. Used clothing also represents an opportunity to develop creativity. The patchwork and thousands of children ‘s crafts can be made by recycling old clothes.
  9. If you donate your old clothes to schools and extracurricular activities centers, they will be able to carry out fun activities for the little ones. With your used clothes, they can set up recycling workshops, create costumes for theatrical pieces, etc.
  10. Find out if there are thrift stores near you, such as Oxfam Thrift Stores, to donate or buy used clothing. Look for them!

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Benefits of recycling used clothing for you and your environment

If you choose to give your used clothing a second chance, you will be generating multiple benefits, including:

  • You learn to live in a more sustainable way and you promote these habits in your environment.
  • You contribute to raising awareness about the dynamics of the textile industry and the rights of working people.
  • You allow the reuse of used clothing fibers, reducing the impact on the environment and saving natural resources.
  • You allow other people to have access to basic elements.

These are just a few ideas of what you can do with your used clothing before throwing it away. Have you thought about it before? As you can see, increasing the volume of waste that every day ends up polluting the air, land or water on our planet is the most extreme of the alternatives. Join the change through recycling and responsible consumption!

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