Knitting thrums involves inserting small tufts of unspun fibre, known as thrums, into your knitting to create a warm and fuzzy texture. This is often used in items such as mittens and socks.
What materials will I need?
You will require worsted-weight yarn for your project as well as unspun roving or fleece for the thrums. You will need knitting needles and a crochet hook which is optional.
What’s the first step in the process?
Prepare the thrums by pulling apart a small piece of roving or fleece into thin strands. Each strand should be about five inches long. These strands are your thrums. You then cast on the stitches.
Start knitting your project
Knit the first row or round of your pattern. Insert the thrums by holding a thrum parallel to your working yarn, with about two to three inches of the thrum extending beyond the stitch on your right-hand needle. Knit into the next stitch with the thrum included. The thrum is trapped in the stitch. Repeat this process for each stitch in the row.
Distribute the thrums evenly
As you continue knitting, distribute the thrums evenly. This ensures that the fuzzy texture is spread out. Continue knitting your project as usual, alternating between rows or rounds with thrums and without.
Are knitting and crochet still popular?
According to NBC News, crochet is for all ages and it particularly draws young adults and social media users. A wide variety of crochet kits are available online from reputable suppliers. You can enjoy the pastime no matter your age, and it’s easy to shop for crochet kits to help you create a unique piece.
What is the final step?
When you finish your project, secure the thrum ends by weaving them in or tying them together to prevent unravelling.