Spring is just around the corner and with it the good (but strange) time and looks that do not get hot but there is no such unbearable cold. It is a time of the year where the light shines much more and in which the layers begin to disappear, for this reason the cowboy pants becomes essential for any day of the week. But it’s not worth anyone, the classic and simple Texan of all life becomes the king of all cowboys.
It is not easy to find a cowboy that suits you, usually you have to fix it or you can also try to adapt it with a turn or detail that makes it perfect. One of the most famous jeans is the classic Levi’s light colored, without any washing, broken or any current details. This cowboy is usually more used by boys than by girls but for now is completely trend, you will only have to find the one that feels like a glove and combine it with garments that lift a garment so simple.
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This type of jeans can be found in Levi’s stores but also in second-hand stores, is undoubtedly one of the most sought after clothing and you can find many types since each year they adapt the fabrics at the time they were created. There are high waist, somewhat ankle but also wide and skinny so you can always taste which is your favorite. In spring you can combine it with a white shirt with a funny message or a shirt with a neckline, it will be the best choice.