Features Of Fitting A Wedding Dress

Features Of Fitting A Wedding Dress

The choice of a wedding dress is an important and responsible event. After the style of the celebration and the approximate style of the outfit are determined, you can go to the fitting in the salon. How to properly prepare for this event? For the process to be successful, it is better to follow certain tips.Features Of Fitting A Wedding Dress

  • In advance, find out whether a paid or free fitting in the cabin. Perhaps a limited number of examples for one visitor 2-3 first models are free, for the rest you need to make a certain amount. The cost of a paid fitting is usually deducted from the purchase.
  • Learn about the conditions. Recording for fitting will save time and effort. Be punctual.
  • Before fitting, you should take a shower, and then use a deodorant with a neutral flavor or without it. Do not use perfume, makeup, tonal funds, creams and lotions for the body. This will prevent the appearance of spots on the fitting dresses.
  • It is better to immediately voice the amount that you are willing to spend on the wedding attire. Consultants will save your time and energy, will help to choose the best model in the specified price range.

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What To Take With You?

  • The camera and/or the video camera, having preliminarily specified, whether the photo-video shooting in a concrete salon is authorized. If it is possible, then it is desirable to take photos from different angles so that later you can estimate in your home environment how much this or that model suits. If you can not take photos, then you can ask the salon’s consultants to take a photo and let them see how the dress looks in the photo.
  • Photos or clippings from magazines with dresses of liked styles. This will help save time for you and the salon consultants. Excitement and stress can prevent you from correctly formulating and describing the image that you are dreaming about, and pre-prepared options will help to accurately understand your needs and quick choices.
  • Shoes bought for a wedding ceremony or with a similar heel height. So you can immediately assess the desired length of the hem, find out whether it is possible to sew.
  • Comfortable underwear, selected under a wedding dress or similar style. This will provide a reliable full-fledged image of the wedding dress.
  • Take with you already existing jewelry (necklaces, earrings, diadems), gloves that you want to include in the image. You can immediately appreciate the harmony of the combination of wedding dress and accessories. But remember: they should be worn carefully and only after the dress! Delicate fabrics are very easy to hook or damage.
  • Notepad and pen. They are useful to make notes during the fitting, write down the terms of sale and the cost of the products.
  • Wet wipes to protect dresses during fitting from traces of decorative and moisturizing cosmetics.
  • Good mood and patience. This is one of the important points. Fitting often takes a long time. A benevolent attitude will help you objectively evaluate the models.
  • It is also recommended to take an amount sufficient to deposit collateral. If you liked the dress and you do not want to delay its acquisition, you need to immediately stock up on the finances put into the purchase.

With itself, it is better to invite one or two people, whose opinion and advice you trust (mother, a close friend, sister, future mother-in-law, etc.). They will be able to evaluate the outfits, as well as take photos or video. Do not invite the impatient, or inclined to argue with you people.

Options For Evaluating A Wedding DressFeatures Of Fitting A Wedding Dress

  • Visual perception. Pay attention to the fit of the figure type.
  • Check the smoothness of the stitching, finishing, processing edges, the absence of protruding threads.
  • Feel the dress in motion – quickly and slowly walk around, squat, stretch up, bend over, swim. It should not slide and constrain movements. Also, it is not recommended to purchase smaller models in the hope of losing weight by the solemn event.

Try on one day, a maximum of 5-6 models. More examples are tedious and grease the impressions of each dress. If in doubt, postpone the purchase. Browse photos, relax and measure wedding dresses in 1-2 days.

Keep Reading: How To Choose The Veil For A Wedding Dress?

Compliance with these recommendations will help in the fitting process to make a measured decision, to choose the perfect dress for any wedding ceremony.

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